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1 -сап: 1 -сап:
== Dashes ==
== Dashes ==
# Optional hyphen:
=== Optional hyphen ===
     html code: ­ or ­
     html code: ­ or ­
     Glyph: ­ if you see nothing that's normal, actually it will appear here­here on shrinking
     Glyph: ­ if you see nothing that's normal, actually it will appear here­here on shrinking

17:37, 25 -ноябрь (Жетинин айы) 2024 -деги абалы


Optional hyphen

   html code: ­ or ­
   Glyph: ­ if you see nothing that's normal, actually it will appear here­here on shrinking
   Examples: textBeforeOptHyphen­textAfterOptHyphen, кол­доо
   Description: not visible unless hyphenation is not required. Try to shrink the window and it will appear.
  1. Usual dash: ‑ Example: м‑н
  2. 1


Мис., 1) А={0<x<1};

	non-breaking space 	  	 

< less than < <

> greater than > >

& ampersand & &

" double quotation mark " "

' single quotation mark (apostrophe) ' '

  1. Diacritics

\t Á